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Hendy has been shortlisted for a key automotive award for its commitment to supporting the communities in which it operates.

It has been shortlisted for the Community Hero Award in the AM Awards for its work in setting up the Hendy Foundation which provides grants to charities and organisations.

Hendy commercial director and Hendy Foundation trustee Mark Busby said he was thrilled that the initiative has been shortlisted for such a prestigious award less than a year after being set up.

“Throughout Hendy’s 161 years in business the company has always had an extensive community support programme and this has now been formalised in the setting up of the Hendy Foundation,” said Mark.

“This has already paid grants to a wide range of charities and organisations and will continue to support people and causes across the south coast.”

Charities supported in the first year include Dorset-based SAMEE which was given a cash boost for a project to help lone parents set up their own business, Open Sight in Hampshire which used the grant fund a day out for the blind and visually impaired and Exmouth Town Concert Band based in the south west.


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